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Machine Embroidery Design Lace Easter basket

Easter holiday is a fundamental one for Christianity. The Holy Day of Easter is the central event in an annual cycle of church celebrations. As a rule, every year Christians of the whole world honour and prepare thoroughly to meet Christ’s Resurrection. For this reason they think over how to decorate their Easter basket which they go to church with. True Christians prepare in advance for the whole family Easter lunch and celebrations as well.

The machine embroidery design Lace Easter Basket will become an excellent option for Easter celebrations. All symbolism of Spring Revival is reflected in a gentle florid pattern. If is executed on various objects in different colours and shades, you may receive a beautiful holiday decor.

For example, the table cloth for Easter lunch can be decorated with a filigree border embroidery along the whole perimeter. Along with, a pattern placed in the center of the table cloth will become an appropriate addition. At the same time you can choose threads of one color, but its different shades. To execute the central circular pattern from separate appliques it is better to use a warm golden shade of yellow. Patterns located on a table cloth perimeter may be embroidered by a saffron-yellow color. Meanwhile, corner compositions on the cloth can bear one of the other 30 yellow shades.

Machine Embroidery Design Lace Easter basket


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In addition, the machine embroidery design Lace Easter Basket can be placed on individual linen napkins as well. It is better to choose the threads of neutral yellow color for them. The table decorated in this way will look especially solemn. Various color shades of yellow will help you to transfer shiness and brightness which are associated with the whole Easter holiday.

Besides, the embroidered napkins with a holiday symbol will become a nice Easter gift to the family. It is good to choose different colors of threads for this holiday embroidery. Easter is a holiday of the Life victory over the Death. Therefore, for its embroidery it is desirable to choose warm vital colors. It can be spring shades of green: lime, mint, grassy. Of course, a favourite Easter color scale is yellow and all its shades. But the choice of shades of red color can become appropriate, too.

The embroidery may match the colour of a basket and become a stylish feature of an Easter basket decoration. For dark baskets you may select threads of chestnut, terracotta shades. As a result, such approach to the decor will reflect your taste and understanding of style.

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Auteur: Ludmila Konovalova

Je m'appelle Lyudmila Konovalova et je dirige la broderie Royal Present. La broderie est pour moi plus qu’un métier ; c'est un héritage de mon héritage ukrainien et bulgare, où chaque femme de ma famille était une virtuose du point de croix et du point lisse. Cet art, transmis de génération en génération, fait partie de mon âme et est un symbole de fierté nationale.

Date: 12.09.2015